Posted by on Jul 24, 2024 in LEGAL UPDATES

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The Italian government on 19th July approved the Decreto Salva casa. The draft text of the new law is  designed to legalise “abusive” property (“disposizioni urgenti in materia di semplificazione edilizia e urbanistica“) which will go before the Senate on 28th July.

The new regulations will enable Italian home owners to regularize minor building abuses such as extensions or additions to an existing property (carried out before 24th May 2024) and free up their property to be sold.

The maximum additional space can be authorised up to a fixed percentage of the total surface area of the original property.

Properties up to:

60 mq   – 6% 

100 mq  – 5%

100 – 300 mq – 4%

300 – 500 mq – 3%

more than 500 mq – 2%

Fines will apply as always for property owners applying to legalise works carried out without prior planning permission, but the fines will be reduced and can still fall between 1,032 Euro and 10.328 Euro.